Things to consider while organising and packing your next 4WD

While travelling in a 4×4 is fun, it is also essential to carry accessories along. Loading up all your 4×4 accessories is like playing connect the dots; it takes a little strategy and patience to ensure that you not only get it done in a timely manner but that all occupants are secure while travelling within the vehicle.
If you go into camp with a strategy for where everything goes, you will save not only time but also a headache when it comes to packing everything up.
Here are some of our best ideas for organising and loading your four-wheel-drive vehicle.
Distribute the weight – it is easy to understand how tempting it is to just throw everything in and hit the road, but this can lead to a dangerous situation, particularly if you are driving on uneven terrain. By uniformly dispersing the weight of your belongings, you will have a safer trip with a lower risk of damaging your car’s chassis and differential, as well as putting less strain on your brakes.
Install roof racks – Installing roof racks doubles the amount of space available to haul bulky stuff like swags, eskys, and camp chairs.
Install a canopy – By putting a shade on your ute’s tray, you will be able to make the most of the storage space of your ute. A canopy will keep all of your camping gear organised and sheltered from the weather while also providing more space for the occupants of the vehicle.
Do not overload your vehicle – Your vehicle’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) is the entire weight it can carry, including its own. You will not only harm your car by bending the chassis if you overload it to the point where it exceeds the GVM, but you will also be breaching the law. You may rest confident that if you arrive at your local weighing bridge completely loaded, you will be safe.
Sharing is caring – If you are travelling in a convoy, is it necessary to keep five first aid kits and five camp ovens to yourself? No. If you are camping with a group, plan ahead and have everyone bring something different. This will free up interior space, lessen stress on your car, and ensure you have everything you need when you arrive at camp.
Every state in Australia has their own 4×4 ridge tracks, ranging from breathtakingly beautiful to terrifyingly terrifying. There are hundreds of tracks to choose from; here are two of the favourites on the ultimate 4×4 bucket list. The Gibb River Road is a must-do for any 4×4 ridge enthusiast. You’ll be met by sights of pristine environment and vast cattle stations the size of small countries when you exit the highway and approach the Kimberley Ranges. Similarly, there is The Canning Stock Route, which is not for the faint of heart; it is commonly considered one of Australia’s most remote off-road routes, with harsh terrain and lengthy stretches of sandy tracks requiring complete concentration and planning.
Above all things, practice makes perfect when it comes to packing your 4×4 accessories. The many times you pack the vehicle, the easier and faster you will be able to do it the next time. The world is the oyster if you are all geared up for it!